Breast Fed - oz during daycare


My LO is currently doing 3.5 oz bottles 3x over 9 hours at daycare. I imagine one day this will go up to 4 oz . Is this enough do you think? He’s almost 4 mths. I give daycare an extra bottle just in case but they tend to not need it it seems. So this is 10-12 oz during that 9 hour day.

He nurses in the morning and evening before and after daycare, and usually has one night feed. I just have no idea if this is a lot or a little! I know the rules, he’s pooping and peeing well, but he did drop a percentile so I just want to be sure since we started daycare recently that I’m packing him enough to eat. His providers have not said anything to me to give more, and he usually finishes his bottles.

I just figured I’d ask. Thanks in advance.