In so much pain but midwives aren't listening! :'(


I gave birth a week ago today on the 15th May to my beautiful little boy!

I'll give you the longer...ish story.. I need to express myself :(

3 weeks before I gave birth my midwife had done a urine sample and said I may have a urine infection, we sent off one and it came back as needing to do another so I went in the hospital maternity unit to do it as It was easier, I then get a letter saying the woman who took it had spilt it and I need to do another. The letter came back on the day I gave birth that I do have a urine infection. During me giving birth when they broke my waters the midwives said they think infection is there but didn't do anything. When my mum brought my letter to the hospital to me I told them and they said don't worry now you've given birth it'll go.

I had to be cut during giving birth and my partner told me after that they had to do 2 cuts as the midwife with me didn't have much experience with cutting or stitching (lucky me) and she made the first cut and it was wrong so the head midwife done a 2nd cut.

When they stitched me back up she stitched me up but with someone overwatching her, I didn't get told she weren't experienced or that I was her 5th or 6th person. I don't know but after the Labour I'd have rather just have an experienced person do it.

Coming out the hospital I felt fine didn't have any issue, was taking paracetamol and ibuprofen like they said for soreness or pain.

Yesterday I suddenly out of nowhere started to feel hugely sore, I couldn't sit down on my bum/bits properly as I was bruised anyway but it was getting better. Yesterday stinging and soreness suddenly came and it's got worse, yesterday I couldn't pee well because of it. Last night I was in tears over the stinging and pain and today I can barely walk, sit down, I have to see sat on the loo but leaning so far forward my hands are on the floor just so my pee don't go near the sore bit. I called the doctors and asked them about my letter for urine infection and they've prescribed me my antibiotics which now stop me from being able to breastfeed my baby which kills me as I thought the pain must be the infection it may not have gone but I don't know :( I looked in the mirror like I have done everyday to make sure the bruising is going down and everything and today I noticed 2 stitches right where it's sore and stinging. In my mind I'm questioning have they come lose? They weren't that visible before.

Now I'm questioning whether the soreness and pain is the infection or the stitches.

I called my midwife and asked if she could come and check my stitches, she said she's not able to come out now and that if I'm concerned call the helpline or go walk in centre. I called the helpline and she basically fobbed me off saying it's my stitches rubbing or I'm overreacting to the pain of giving birth and to just take paracetamol and ibuprofen (i am doing and none of them are even taking the pain away not even slightly!) So both my main ways of support have shut me down and won't even look at them or check them for me.

I've just been in tears over it as I feel useless now, I can't be alone with my baby because I can't sit properly in the chair I can't get up out the chair holding him becsuse it's to sore, I can't carry him well up the stairs because it's sore and I can't just nip to go for a wee because it takes me nearly 10min just to go for a wee :'( my partner is back at work tomorrow and we've had to ask his mum to come round to sit with me just so I'm comfortable I won't get stuck in a chair with my baby on me.

I'm going to call the maternity unit again tomorrow to speak to someone else and see what they say otherwise I'll call my doctors and see if one of their nurses can look

I just don't know what to do at the moment Its really bringing me down and I'm constantly crying over it because of the pain :'(

Sorry for waffling I needed to let off to others who have maybe experienced it or can relate or advise? :(