2 miscarriages- 3rd pregnancy.

Laura • 4 miscarriages, one living child, pregnant again.

I am 34 and I have had two miscarriages. I was referred to a gyno by my family dr. At my initially appointment he requested bloodwork to test my AMH and progesterone levels. I was also supposed to do day 3 bloodwork for FSH and some other things. I did not get to do day 3 bloodwork...because I got pregnant! I am very stressed I will lose this pregnancy and Dr pretty much said there is no bloodwork we could do today. He said on day 21 my progesterone was 31. AMH was 9.1 he felt both were good for my age -I truly have no idea and plan on asking dr.google. He did do an ultrasound. My LMP was April 4th and they said they could see a gestational sac and yoke and dated its size as 5w6d. Based on my LMP I should be 6w6. The time between my periods is typically 35-40 days. I will have another ultrasound to check growth next week.


1. Would it be normal to be measuring a week behind if I have long periods (wasn't tracking when we had sex..as we weren't trying!).

2. Is my AMH normal for 34 year old woman?