Finger food ideas?


Looking for more suggestions on finger foods that are easy to prep in advance/freeze. Both my husband and I work full time with pretty demanding jobs so don’t want to spend a ton of time meal prepping for her. So far the foods in my rotation are

Homemade meatballs


Mandarin oranges

Cheese slices

Thawed frozen mango

Thawed frozen strawberries

Cut up blueberries

Banana (rarely because shes prone to conscription)

Scrambled eggs

Homemade mini Muffins

Mini waffles (with or without peanut butter)

Roasted butternut squash

Sweet potato sticks

Steamed/roasted Carrot sticks

Chicken noodle soup (broth strained)

I meant to roast zucchini but forgot to before it started to go bad. I definitely need some more suggestions. We stay away from added sugars when possible so haven’t gotten any cereal bars or anything like that.
