Next baby I’m asking for an epidural when 1 cm dilated 😂


Due date May 23rd. I was induced May 18th for high blood pressure(same thing happened with my first). So I get to the hospital at 10 pm that night, they check me and I’m a whopping 1 cm 💁🏼‍♀️ I’m like awesome this is going to be a longg night. I get my first cytotec at midnight. Two hours later I’m already feeling some mild contractions but very bearable as I watch my Netflix. 😄 4 am comes around time for the second cytotec, they check me and couldn’t find my cervix it was so high so just said I made no change. Woof a little disappointed as I was definitely feeling a little more pain at this time but what ever I told myself I got this and not to be a whimp you’re just 1 cm get it together lol so then 5 am rolls around and I’m like nope can’t sit in this bed any longer. I ask my nurse to get up and walk and of course baby was sleepy and flat on the monitor so I had to wait until she woke up. I rolled side to side begging this little girl to wake up 😅 luckily 10 minutes later she looked good. 1 walk down the hall and back with my boyfriend and I was like nope I don’t care how much of a wussy I am it’s time for that epidural. My nurse checks me at 5:20 I was 5, cool epidural time I was so excited. My first I got the epidural and delivered in 10 minutes so I was so excited to be pain free for this delivery. Anyways anesthesiologist comes in like 20 minutes later and starts the process. I’m sitting up straight dying at this point but determined to get this dang epidural. About 5 minutes into it and I literally feel this girls head getting lower and lower with each contraction and the pressure in my butt was unreal. I remember telling my nurse yeah she’s right there for sure, and her and the dr asked if I wanted his to stop and I was like nope this is not happening again I am getting this epidural! Well I got my epidural alright.. the catheter.. no meds at all 😣 I lay back after the catheter was placed and that was all she wrote. 1 push for the head and 1 for her body. My dr didn’t make it in time, my nurses caught my baby and that ring of Fire is so real 😵 I was so pissed At myself for waiting so long but at the same time so proud of myself for what I did. Also I had got pain medicine through my iv with my first and none with this one and it was really amazing seeing how much more alert and what a difference in breastfeeding it made. So here’s sweet Harper Jade, born at 6:04 am 7lbs 12 oz, and nobody better call her little cause she felt like I pushed out a bowling ball 😆 And whoever is planning to get an epidural out there, don’t procrastinate and good luck 😘