May 22nd 3:47pm ♥️


At 38 weeks and 1 day I gave birth to my prince.

I got off of work at 2am, took a shower and laid down with my boyfriend around 3am because I had an appointment in a few hours at 9:50am.

My boyfriend and I ended up having sex. Afterwords, I started feeling a good amount of pressure around my back and lower stomach. I tried to brush it off and blame it on the sex. About an hour went by and it didn't ease up. So I got in the tub to try to get some relief, that didn't work so I woke my boyfriend and told him.

Jokingly, he bragged that he " knocked me into labor" the same way he knocked me up 😂

He began to realize that I really was in pain and suggested that we go to the ER, I wanted to wait til my appointment but he insisted and at that point I was just ready for some relief.

We got to the ER around 6 am and they sent me to Labor & Delivery. At this point, I had so much pressure that it was hurting to sit down. They got me hooked up to the monitor to check my contractions and babies heartbeat. I was hurting so badly that I couldn't sit still. They decided to check me for dialation. I was only at a 4. They said they would monitor me for 2 hours and check again and then release me if I haven't progressed. They came back through out the 2 hours to check on me. My contractions were irregular and sporadic.

Anyway the 2 hours passed and they checked me again. I was at a 6 so the nurse went ask the doctor if she wanted to release me or have me stay. The doctor checked me and said she could feel my water bags and wanted to keep me. I was shocked and the realization that I was gonna be leaving the hospital with a baby hit me hard. It was amazing and scary at the same time.

About 30 minutes go by and the nurse comes in and asked me if I wanted to get some IV pain meds so I could relax. I told her yes. They started my meds and then checked me again because my contractions had stopped. Surprisingly, I was dialated to a 10 and the doctor could feel his head. They wanted me to start pushing. I pushed for 40 minutes, got a 2nd degree tear and a perfectly healthy little boy at 3:47pm on May 22nd weighing 7pounds 9 ounces at 20inches long. It's now 3:15 am as I sit here and type this while my prince is by my side sleeping away. Welcome to the world SEBASTIAN GRAE SIMS♥️😍