Moving and Pregnancy


My husband was picked up for LDO and commissions in September. He will be attending school from September to February in three different states (Rhode Island, Virginia and Florida). We are currently stationed in GA but to get the most out of his schooling financially, we are renting our house out early and I will be relocating to Massachusetts to live with his mom. We are TTC but my biggest concern is being in Massachusetts for the majority of my pregnancy ( which means have an OBGYN locally) and then having the baby in Virginia ( where we are ultimately PCSing).

We’ve been wanting to have kids for some time now but have been waiting for the “perfect time.” Well being in the military we all know there is never a perfect time. If we don’t try now we could be waiting another two years to have a baby due to deployment schedules.

Any suggestions on how to handle the doctor situation being in multiple states during the course of pregnancy?