This is my first baby and baby girl scared us the last minute.


This is my first baby and my due date was on May 16 ,2019. On May 14, At around 12 pm,  I felt my water break ( however , wasn’t sure) and there was blood streak on my pad. I decided to call my doctor who suggested I go to the hospital. Since I wasn’t feeling much pain and very mild contractions I decided to wait for my husband to drive me. Husband came around 3 and we went to the hospital. At the hospital They checked for dilation and I was at 2 cm and they performed a test to see if my water broke and the test came back positive . They admitted me and started on IV fluids. And approximately half an hour later they started me on pitocin at 2 ML . Now my contractions started itensifying and at around 6 pm the nurse checked again for dilation and I was 4 cm dilated 80% effaced. My contractions intensified and I requested for an epidural. As soon as the epidural kicked in, I felt no pain, just a little bit of pressure with each contraction. My doctor came around 9pm ish and I was 6 cm dilated and 90 % effaced. And 11  pm I was 9 cm dilated and then around 11:35pm,  10 cm dilated and 100 % effaced . I then started pushing , she was descending well until the very last minute when the doctor scared us saying something along the lines where her hand was being stuck and that doctor doesn’t want to push her out due to risk of her shoulder being harmed. Also at this point her heart rate went down tremendously. ( I am not sure if she said 40bpm) The doctor stated that I can try to push a few more times, and if baby doesn’t come out, then the 2 options would be an emergency C section or a vacuum. I guess my motherly instincts kicked in right away and I pushed with all my might and there my baby was born at 11:46 pm on May 14 ,2019. She weighed 7lb3 ounce, and measured at 19 inches. And that is my birth story :)

Now let’s hope for a good recovery. Good luck moms.