Formula or breastfeeding

Sarai • 💕 2-21-19

I breastfed my daughter for a month & a half of her life. She’s now 3 months. Both boob & pump, for as long as I possibly could. The struggle was real, then I just dried up. I supplemented while my supply was decreasing. My husband was a fabulous help, always encouraging me.

What I don’t miss about it:

- the football hold with my carpal tunnel

- a screaming baby trying to latch

- the frustration

- crying & just being emotional every time

- pumping isolated in the nursery


- wearing a bra to sleep

- never leaving the house

- beating myself up for not producing more

- comparing myself to other moms

- wondering how women do it for a year or more

- not sleeping more than 2 hours

- waking my baby up from beautiful sleep just to feed

- documenting every feed & diaper

If I missed one add it lol

Every women who decides to breastfeed has her own unique struggle. Being told she’s terrible for even considering formula makes the struggle worse. Every baby is different, every mom is different, every circumstance is different. I am happy my baby is happy, she’s formula fed now & healthy. I just thought I should share this for anyone struggling, or being shamed for not doing “more” breastfeeding. Or even breastfeeding & being told to supplement when she’s not ready to.