Do you think America will turn into something like the handmaids take?

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Jesus I fucking hope not... I hope that really all these new laws are going to push people who are liberal, and semi conservative into voting for a democratic president who will then make all these new laws illegal. As it is, according to the United Nations you it’s against human rights to force someone to have a pregnancy they do not want, meaning if all of this stuff does become legal the US will be heavily charged for war crimes against their own people


Posted at
Considering what the US has already done to minorities in the past (sterilization of Black women, forced removal of Native American children, Japanese internment camps, removing Mexican and Central American immigrant children from their parents, lynching parties in the South-the list goes on) I put nothing past the government and especially not this administration which is nothing short of terrifying! I hope it doesn't get to that point but it is really scary.


Posted at
What’s the show about?


Ca • May 23, 2019
It’s basically Based in a future USA where the government is now a religion based government that took over after the work population began decreasing and more people where infertile. They treat women as property and any women who can bare children that weren’t like super religious before hand are forced into sex slavery where they’re basically raped by high powered men to have their babies (who after being born, are taken from those women and they women move on to a new house to do it all over again) women are so oppressed that even the “powerful” ones are legally abused for showing any defiance. It’s actually a very interesting take on how the world could become, especially in this political climate.... I highly recommend


🎃 • May 23, 2019
“this series is set in Gilead, a totalitarian society in what used to be part of the United States. Gilead is ruled by a fundamentalist regime that treats women as property of the state, and is faced with environmental disasters and a plummeting birth rate. In a desperate attempt to repopulate a devastated world, the few remaining fertile women are forced into sexual servitude. One of these women, Offred, is determined to survive the terrifying world she lives in, and find the daughter that was taken from her.” 10/10 recommend


Posted at
It could and then its going to turn into mad max. Mulishas and terror will run amuck.


Posted at
Wasn't this post already made before?