Going Crazy!!!!


Courtney • •Momma to a 7yr old beauty👩🏻 & an Angel Girl in Heaven 👼🏻 •StepMom to two amazing kiddos 👦🏻👩🏼 •14 months of TTC & Rainbow Boys due Jan 2020 🌈 🌈

According to Glow, I am 4 weeks 5 days pregnant (don’t get a sonogram until June 11th to confirm how far along I actually am).

But ever since I found out I was pregnant, I just wanna go crazy and baby shop my ass off!!

I’ve already bought a few things, but I wanna start buying car seats and diapers and all that kinda stuff! Hahaha😄🤷🏻‍♀️

But I’m like, no I gotta wait! I want to know what I’m having first, before I got crazy shopping 😄

Ugh, can’t wait till my first sonogram!

Anyone else with me???!

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Posted at
same here! according to glow i’m 5weeks and 5 days and We’ve already picked out names we like! My pinterest board for nursery rooms is already starting to get full! but like you said we don’t want to get to excited, our first Appt is on the 4th! hopefully we can see our little peanut then! Congrats everyone!!


Lydia • May 24, 2019
Best of luck with everything!


Alyssa • May 24, 2019
My first appt is June 4th too!! I’ll only be 6+3 weeks so I probably won’t see much but they start scans early since I’m high risk


Posted at
I'm 4+5 So basically 5 weeks I have my first midwife appointment on the 12th of June so hopefully I will get to listen to monkeys heartbeat💖... I can't wait until I'm 12 weeks to see him/her on the NHS So I'm paying privet to have an early scan at 7-8 weeks... excited is an understatement I don't know how I'm going to stop myself from buying things


Posted at
Right there with you. This is my first and my appointment is the 12th. My husband doesn’t want to get too excited but I can’t help it. Just want to see that sonogram.


Posted at
You’re not alone! Really have to contain myself from sorting all the stuff from my other babies and start buying new 😂🙈