Friends from work while on maternity leave


I’m a teacher and on an extended maternity leave for the school year. Most of my closest friends are the women I work with. Unfortunately, I’ve seen very little of them this year. I reach out about once a week, invite them to things, check in, and it’s gotten to where I don’t hear back most of the time. This morning I sent a text seeing if anyone wanted to make time to go for a drink some night next week, and no one wrote back. I went into work for a bridal shower and while everyone was warm to me, no one acknowledged it. It’s a bit heartbreaking to me. These women were my biggest confidants for years and I feel like now I am totally outside the circle. I get that I’m not at work and that’s why but I’m trying to make an effort and it’s not being returned in the slightest and that really bugs me. To make things more complicated, we’re contemplating moving an hour away. We have an offer in on a house and are having it inspected tomorrow. If it goes well, we’re moving forward and I would start looking for jobs closer to the new house. I haven’t told them this because I really haven’t talked to any of them in depth in a long time. I feel like I’m sneaking around but I hate dropping big news over text. One friend in particular will be annoyed that I didn’t tell her sooner. Ugh. I guess I just needed a place to vent. My husband doesn’t really get it, and thinks I should just move on and stop begging them to be friends.