Need advice please😩😩


I have a friend, more like acquaintance. But anyways she has a 2 1/2 month old son & she was saying she needed a babysitter so me being me I told her that if she couldn’t find anyone else I would charge her $10 a day to watch him. (She has to get a job because they can’t afford bills and her bank account is negative) My mistake🙄 so she drops him off with two bottles. Both are dirty😅 okay whatever I can clean them.she hands me her son & he just smells really bad, his neck is dirty his ears are dirty his face is dirty his nails are super long & are black underneath from how dirty they are. As soon as she leaves he starts crying. ALOT. She told me he’s like that all night. She hands me Tylenol& says if he’s crying a lot just give him this, then gives me Motrin & says if he won’t sleep just give him some of this.. I feel so so bad for this baby. & every time he cries my 7 month old gets scared😂 I know he’s a baby & of course he’s gunna cry but I feel like they don’t give him the necessary attention at home that he needs. He had a surgery at 4 weeks old & she says that’s why he cries.

I’m stressed out & I feel like I’m cheating on my own baby because I obviously can’t give him full attention. I don’t know what to do, I feel horrible if I tell her that I can’t watch him for her

I don’t know what I got myself into, I was just trying to help her out 😭