Social media normally doesn’t bother me. Am I overreacting and just being hormonal or are there exceptions?

Catherine • Wife. Mom to 3 + 1 on the way! 👩🏼👧🏻🧒🏼🤰🏼Dog mom! DV survivor. 💜 Georgia 🍑🇺🇸

I don’t care if my husband “likes” another girls photo on social media, but today it was different.

Short story. I’m nearly 22 weeks pregnant. The biggest I’ve ever been was 143 lbs and that was 9 months pregnant with my first. I lost all that baby weight five years ago. I became a stay at home mom last July and gained about 15 pounds putting me at 135-140. I knew getting pregnant and growing a human meant gaining weight again. I’m currently 146 and the biggest I’ve been and an A cup and I was literally crying and didn’t want to go to the lake this afternoon after putting my bathing suit on. Husband of course says “you’re fine, that’s my boy in there, and I’m a big guy so he’s a big baby.” My husband really isn’t that big. 5’10 and 200 lbs.

At the lake with our three kids and me already being body conscious and insecure with myself before pregnancy but the most now, he notices two girls taking pictures of eachother and it goes on for like thirty minutes and they’re posing each others arms and hair, and they’re doing the “suns out buns out” shot and everything. He says, “bet I can find them on Instagram later under location and recent. Let’s see how many they post.” And I laughed it off. Well literally the second we get in the truck he’s already looking. I tell him to order dinner and then drive because I got sand in between my contact and eye and had to trash it. So we eat dinner and he takes his shower and sits on the couch and says “HA! Got them! Posted five minutes ago.”

I’m not posting a screenshot just Incase they’re on here, but do you think he took it too far or still okay? I’m just really unhappy with myself right now and we’re in the middle of moving into a new house before our lease is up in a week so I’m stressed enough .