How many other mamas have had 3 (or more) losses?

Marissa • Mom to Hezekiah 10/23/17 (🌈) & Noah 2/8/20 (🌈) Baby #3 due 3/27/22

I had my first BFP in July 2016 after trying for 1 cycle (yay!) But we experienced a miscarriage at 9w. I had severe PPD afterwards, & just when I started coming out of it, we found out we were pregnant with our rainbow February 2017. We gave birth to our amazing son in October 2017. 😊

We had a very early loss in October 2018, & recently had another loss at the end of April. That’s 3/4 of my pregnancies resulting in losses before 10 weeks. ☹️ No reason has been found for why.. but I’m starting to feel like my son is a one-off. I’m 30, & was on the pill for 11 years straight before trying to have kids. A part of me feels like it’s my fault from being on the pill so long. Idk.