Just diagnosed with PCOS.. Vent


So I need to vent! My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now. We have had 3 miscarriages. 3 years ago we decided to go see a fertility Dr. We met with the fertility Dr and he immediately started testing after we spoke to him about our issues. We went through years of test, medications, lab work, surgery, ultrasounds ever week for month . He finally told us we had less than a 5% chance of getting pregnant. So we stopped fertility treatments.

Now for the past 8 months my periods have been all over the place. So I decided to find a new Dr ( I needed my yearly anyway) well I sat down with her and she asked me what was all going on, so I told her she said I think I know the issue but let’s wait until I run some lab work before we go any further. She said it sounds like you may have PCOS. That was this past Monday. I received a call yesterday and was told that I do in fact have PCOS.

I am so upset and angry with all the Dr’s we saw before the fertility Dr and I’m mad with him. I know he ran the same test on me so why did he not catch it? We spent all our savings trying to conceive.

I am 30 years old , if one of the Dr I saw would have caught this years ago I could have been treating it and could probably have a child of my own by now.

Should I be upset?