Austin Joseph-positive induction story!

S • 2016 💙 2019💙 2022 💙 baby boy #4 April 2024 💙

So I thought I would share my birth story from my second son. It was soooo much better and easier than my first!! Little long of a story.

I was due 5/30/19 and scheduled to be induced Saturday 5/25. My first son was 10lbs 11oz (delivered vaginally but got stuck) and this baby was measuring big too. My doctor and I decided inducing closer to 39 weeks would be best to help prevent this.

I had my final growth scan on 5/22 at 8:30am. I thought it would just be a routine scan to clear me to deliver vaginally but that was not what happened! Baby boy was looking good but my fluid was very low. So I was told I was not leaving the hospital and I was having a baby. Today. Like right now. Omg!! I freaked out at I thought I had 3 more days to get ready. I didn’t even have my bag or anything with me. So I called my husband and he left work to come to the hospital.

I was about 2.5cm and 50% when I was admitted. They started pitocin and broke what was left of my water at about 10:30/11am. The contractions started coming a little while after that. They weren’t too bad until about 1:30/2pm so I asked for my epidural because my nurse thought I would go quick. I got that about 2:30 and it was kicking in around 3pm. My nurse also gave me the peanut ball to keep things moving. At about 4pm she came back and asked if I was feeling anything. I said yes. She checked me and I was 7cm and 90%. She said it wouldn’t be long and upped my epidural (I didn’t believe her as my first labor was 20 hours). She checked me again at 4:30pm and started calling my doctor. I asked her why and she said you are complete and I can see his head! I was shocked. Lol.

My doctor came in about 10 mins later and I pushed for about 4 or 5 contractions (14 mins). I opened my eyes after the last push and my baby was there! I was beyond shocked! Everyone said my face was so funny as I was completely surprise to see a baby there! I didn’t even feel any pain delivering him! It was awesome! I also didn’t tear at all!

Austin Joseph was born at 4:54pm weighing 8lbs 14oz and was 21.5 inches long! This experience was so different than my first in such a good way!!

Here he is: