I don’t regret a thing

Kaylee • Mama of one little girl 💞

Yesterday I went into my doctors office for my normal 40 week appointment, but boy was it more than that. My doctor concluded I wouldn’t be able to have baby naturally so I would need a c section. Thinking he wouldn’t schedule it until next week I was kind of calm until he took my blood pressure and it was sky high. That’s when I was sent to the hospital and knew that I was getting that c section a lot sooner than next week. The hospital monitored me from 3:15pm-7:30pm when the decision to do my c section at 9pm was made. I was scared shitless I cried got emotional and tried to calm myself down. I wasn’t ready to get sliced open, I had never had surgery, the healing process scares me, and I was nervous to finally meet my baby. 9pm comes around and I’m being taken down to the OR thinking it’s okay my fiancé will get to come in with me in a minute and I’ll get to see my baby. Boy was I wrong. My body wouldn’t accept the spinal tap for the c section so I had to be put completely under which meant my fiancé couldn’t be in the room. My blood pressure sky rocketed I was shaking horribly and then I blacked out. When I woke up I was surrounded by people telling me to wake up and roll over and hold my blanket over my belly, but all I could do was daze in and out of sleep and cry “where’s my baby”. After a half hour in the ICU they finally took me to see my baby girl and I was the first one to hold her. It was magical. After getting some time with her I was taken to my room at midnight to get settled. Baby couldn’t be in the room because my c section took longer than expected and she got some of the anesthesia.

It’s now 7:17am and baby girl is finally in my room for good. I couldn’t be happier right now. Sandra Ann born at 10:01 weighing 7lbs 3oz 19 inches long.