21 weeks and freaking out! Is this normal?


I’m 21 weeks with my rainbow baby girl so anxiety is pretty high having experienced a loss. Today I’ve experienced “lightning crotch” 5 times throughout the day. This is new to me.

I’ve read that it’s normal, that it’s everything growing and stretching and could also be baby girl kicking around my cervix and hitting a nerve (she does seem to like to hang out low in my belly). But I’ve also read that this can be a sign of the cervix dilating and getting ready for labour so i’m freaking out a bit.

Has anyone experienced this at this stage in their pregnancy? Is it common/normal? I have an appointment on Wednesday so will ask my doctor about it but i’m looking for a bit of reassurance in the meantime.

I’m back and forth about bringing my appointment forward/calling my doctor or just putting it down to normal growth pains and waiting it out till Wednesday.

Thanks so much! Worried mummy to be over here!