Where are our babies now?

I’m currently 19 weeks and whilst I haven’t felt distinguishable movement I’m definitely noticing “flutters”.

They’re at their best when I’m totally relaxed and not moving.

In my minds eye I picture my baby still deep in my pelvis but I’m just now feeling sensations that I don’t think are gas/wind just above my belly button off to the left.

How high up can they be at 19 weeks? 🤔

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This is my 3rd and I’m 18&1 and I found their feet way higher than I was expecting to. So either beefcake is the size of Godzilla already, or I just have a gigantic uterus 😂😂


Reesa • May 25, 2019
I was really surprised because I can already feel where their feet are! It’s so weird to me to be able to identify the body parts before the 3rd trimester


Do • May 25, 2019
Its because its your 3rd! Thats me too;


Posted at
18 weeks, but my placenta is in the way this pregnancy so I’m feeling very little movement. But every once in awhile I’ll feel something off to the side or up by my belly button. But he is a busy little boy. He’s constantly moving on ultrasounds


Cara • May 24, 2019
Yeah I didn’t realize it was there until I went and had a 3D done to find out gender and he was hiding his face behind it. It is hard to figure what is kicks and what isn’t but certain areas he will hit and it’s like oh there you are


Ha • May 24, 2019
I have an anterior placenta so was advised I might not notice much until a bit later. I just find it hard to work out what’s baby and what’s not 😅


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I had my anatomy scan at 20 weeks and she commented that he was pretty high up (she had the wand near my ribs). I can feel the top of my uterus about 2 inches above my belly button, and I’m only 21 weeks now. This is my 3rd.


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Im 17+1 and my husband feels the kicks about an inch below my belly button. He can feel them daily now. I started feeling baby at about 13 weeks. But I feel baby all over, sometimes low, sometimes deep in my side.


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About to your belly button BUT you’ll be able to feel them all over. The most noticeable movements for me are when he’s breech and has his feet in my bladder 😂