Terrible ones?!


Does anyone else’s little one test them every moment of every day? She’s our first so maybe we were a little naive.. she’s always been dramatic and difficult at times, but for the past 3 weeks there is wayyy more bad moments than good 😳.

Always a tantrum, always testing us when we say no, always a sly grin when she’s being naughty, fights naps, fights bedtime, kicks when I change her diaper, bites me etc. she is definitely worse with me and will not listen to me. She does understand no and will listen to grandparents, but even my mother-in-law said it’s like everything is a fun game to her to see how much she can get away with lol. I’m also pregnant so super exhausted, and sick.

Please tell me we aren’t alone? Please tell me she’s going through that rough “terrible two” stage earlier and it will be over earlier? 🤦🏼‍♀️