Opinions on missed miscarriages? And my situation.

Meg • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧. Mom to👧. 👼. 🌈👧🤰

So I had my 1st early US 1 week ago. They said everything looked good my husband and I saw a heart flickering a baby and a yolk sac. It was to small however to get a reading so they asked us to go in 1 week later to get a heartrate. I went in Wednesday and the us tech before we started said she was old school and not showing me anything. I get a call Wednesday afternoon that I am going to miscarry. I was shocked and confused. We had seen everything a week before. My dr then proceeded to ask me if this was a natural pregnancy or medicated? It was medicated and he is the one who put me on clomid. He told me it will pass on it's own. And wrote me a prescription to take if I feel I want too. I havent taken it yet because part of me still has hope.my doctor also told me Wednesday that they saw it but it didnt grow much. I honestly didnt hear a word he said after that because all I could hear was I'm going to miscarry. I asked him to call me back yesterday he did in which he said they saw nothing in my us. My baby, heartbeat, or yolk sac. So here I am with 2 different answers.I am expecting the worst but hoping for the best. He told me I would start to see my pregnancy tests decline and eventually be negative soon.

Has anyone else had something like this happen?

How low ling does a missed miscarriage take to pass on its own?

I have no spotting bleeding or any signs of this.

I did just take a pregnancy test to see if my line had gotten any lighter. It hasn't. And I know it could be left over hormones. But my doctor said it shouldn't look as positive and I will eventually test negative?

I also dont feel right taking the medication without another ultrasound. For peace of mind. To know there really isnt anything there. I would actually like to see it this time.

Support or ur stories would be nice. This has been such a stressful past couple of days and I dont who to talk to.😔💔