Crazy news about my baby boy that’s due in July!

Sherina • 🚔 State Trooper Wifey 🚔

So here’s a crazy baby update on my baby Branson 👶🏻

I’m 31 weeks 4 days.

He’s supposed to weigh about 3 pounds and due July 22nd.

Measurement facts from today- Branson is almost 6 pounds already. Measuring 36 weeks now and is expected to be 9-10 pounds if not more (depending on when he decides to come) and if I even make it to 37 weeks.

Oh and he’s in the 85 percentile right now, which means only 15% of babies are born bigger than him!! 😬

This boy is huge!!! I sure feel it!! Doc says there’s no way I’ll make it to 40 weeks and hoping I make it to 37. My cervix has completely thinned out and soft with being dilated to a 1...all at 31 weeks!

He may be here mid June if I don’t go before then. I am worried that this may be a struggling delivery. Hopefully I’ll be at home or work and not out and about if my water breaks 😂

Doctor told my husband he needs to buy me a swimming pool too since I have to push his big boy through my vagina
