Fresh Start

After a year and a half of marriage my husband left me about three weeks ago. I was forced to move back in with my parents. After realizing he was running away from responsibilities and the realities that come with being an adult, and being a husband; I realized I deserve better either way. I deserve to be loved, and cherished. And I deserve someone that is willing to work with me in a marriage and not run away when life get hard. Because in reality life is not always easy. Life can get hard. I need a man that will stand with me through the storms of life. Not a boy that runs scared when responsibility comes his way. I have begun the process to file for divorce. Since I had to move back home (which is in a different state) I have been job hunting since being relocated. After I land a job, I plan on using my first paycheck to buy my freedom through paying for a divorce.

After realizing this is my chance to start over and have a fresh start, I applied to a few of my preferred colleges. I’m going back to college baby! And I’m going to earn my bachelors!

I may have lost the person I love. And I won’t lie, it’s more than painful. It’s excruciating. But I will not let a man be the destruction of me or my life. So I’m taking back the reigns. Picking up the pieces of this mess. And I’m moving forward. Is it easy? Of course not. Anything worth while is never going to be easy. But I have to remind myself that it will be worth it in the end. I have to move forward. I can’t stop here. I can’t let this be the end of my story. So here’s to the next brand new chapter in life!

I wanted to share this with my fellow strong women, to inspire and uplift and let my story be a reminder that you can do anything that you set your mind to. Yes life is messy, and difficult and bad things happen. But that doesn’t have to be where the story ends. We always have a choice to become the better/best versions of ourselves or work towards the path to get ourselves there. Cheers to all of you women out there who have overcome trials and tribulations!

Please feel free to comment and share your story of overcoming something you found difficult or life changing. I would absolutely love to hear your stories 💕😊 Thank you for being the strong women I know you are! 💕😊 Stay strong 💪Stay fabulous 💕