Alani Love is finally here!


I started back labor at 4am, contractions where 10mins apart tell 1pm, my sister in law got me at 2pm got to hospital and they had me in the screening room for almost 2hrs DYING in pain, they were 5 mins apart and 5cm, by the time they took me upstairs to get ready I was 8cm!!!!!! I begged for my epidural finally at 9cm the girl tried putting it in my back but couldn't get it then I felt I had to push so they checked me and saw I was crowning so took the epidural out and I pushed 3 times and she was out! No medicine no epidural nothing! I was so mad cuz I felt like they set me up to not get a epidural by having me wait so long in the screening room for absolutely no reason! But my daughter is here, healthy, and happy. I didn't rip or anything so that's good but omfg that shit was the most pain I ever will experience in my life!!!!! My daughter came at 40+1, my due date was yesterday. She is 5lbs 14o 18inch of perfection.