Been TTC for a year


My husband and I have been happily married going on 10 years in August. Since we've been married, we have moved quite a few times. That we were in no position to have a child.

For the last 11 months we have been TTC for our miracle baby. We have spend hundreds of dollars on ovulation tests, pregnancy tests, prenatal vitamins, fertility teas, fertility pills etc.

We've even learned that both my husband and I have infertility issues that we now have to get help from our primary health physicians. Sadly, we have learned that our health provider doesn't cover fertility specialists and we cannot afford <a href="">IUI</a> tests.

Last night this TTC journey hit me so HARD when Aunt Flo decided to show her face for the 11th month in a row. I broke down and cried. Everyone I know is having babies left and right, and here I am struggling just to have one.

I understand that healthy couples can take a year or longer to conceive a child. But when you struggle with infertility it makes it 10X harder to conceive a child. I guess I just want to be a mother so BAD, that sometimes I think it's NEVER going to happen. I will just continue to pray for a miracle baby.