Swollen feet when to worry

Should I be concern with swollen feet that Showed up last night? Today I’ve barely done anything. And they are swollen. They hurt from it. 36 weeks.

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My feet started to swell From 35 Weeks. They hurt & itched & it was anoying asf. 😒😭


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unless your bp is high (140/90+) they won’t do anything and it’s “normal” it super sucks i feel you. lots of rest, elevation and water. i know you’re probably like “i already drink so much water i’m running to the bathroom every 10 minutes to pee” keep drinking... lol and stay off your feet!! my doctor even “prescribed” me “no cooking, no cleaning, no shopping, no standing” i’ve definitely decreased the time on my feet which has helped A LOT, but no cooking??? a girls gotta eat?! i don’t normally do the grocery shopping anymore but we’re literally in the middle of moving so being off my feet isn’t really an option for me anymore. i’ll be 37 weeks on tuesday and had the swelling since like 26 or 28 weeks.