My little boy Arkadius was born 9th of May

My little boy Arkadius was born 9th of May.. 4 weeks and 3 days early (35+4)

I had a long walk and light work out on the 29th of April then when I went to sleep that night i started leaking amniotic fluid.

The next day I went to my gp and midwife and they sent me to Auckland Central Hospital. My first and second day staying I had 2 steroid shots for baby's lungs to form faster incase I go into active labour . For the next 2 weeks I had Braxton hicks contractions almost every half hour and slowly they got really painful . By the 9th I had had so many labour scares that I was trying so hard to just handle it , by the time I asked for help they checked and I was 6cm dilated , I was sent straight to delivery room . 2 hours later we had a precious, strong, TALL preemie baby boy . He latched almost instantly after trying to lick me whilst having first skin to skin . He's so perfect and does not seem preemie