Fyi its a long story lol


I had my last ob appointment on may 7th at 37 w & 4 days , the told me that my baby was measuring at 34 weeks and set me for an ultrasound for that Friday (38 weeks). They told me not to worry she was doing good my whole pregnancy and I likely just "dropped ". Come Friday the ultrasound tech told me she was a little small measuring at 5 pound and some ounces (I forgot lol) and that the doctor is likely to induce me that same day . Which the doctor did much to my surprise. I figured if they was gonna induce me they'll set up a date but nope lol. I looked at my boyfriend and he looked scared shitless but excited , me on the other hand was just scared shitless 😂. I was not prepared, I didnt pack a bag for myself nor did my boyfriend, I left my charger I didnt even eat that morning. Anyway they sent me for a stress test which was fine than sent me upstairs. I literally waited in the waiting room for about 3 1/2 hours . I went to get some pizza for the cafe and went back to waiting. FINALLY around 2pm I got in my room but due to a lot of women having their babies at the same damn time and one emergency I didnt get induce until 5 . Once they came they put a pill and folly balloon in my vag. The ballon itself hurt like HELL and than boom her came the contractions. I went from completely fine to pain I dont think anyone should feel . But I gotta say how proud of myself I am because I didnt scream . I got the epidural around 9pm and it was instant release. At this point I'm laughing and joking around . Eventually everyone went sleep on me smh. At 4 am the checked me and I was still 4cm but they broke my water . Around 7:20 am I told my nurse that with every contractions I felt pressure but not the need to push . She told me I'm likely just dilating and the doctor sill be in soom to check me . she also wanted to give me a catheter to drain my urine. Once she opened my legs she said "oh well her head right there". I was in such shock I screamed to wake up my mom and aunt . I started pushing at 7:41 and 10 minutes later my baby girl RILEY ARIANA was born at 5p8oz on may 10th I wasnt due until the 23rd . I'm so in love