Symptoms (need to vent!)

Hello TTC group!

According to Glow and Clue I am about 12 or 13 DPO (or cd 26) and it’s been a crazy month 😩

So my fiancé and I had sex on the 9th, and I ovulated on the 13th.

By the 18th I was tired all the time.

On the 22nd I had intense cramps, that were slightly more intense on the left side. They lasted pretty much all day.

On the 23rd I had a light headache all day and on the 24th I had a really awful headache that lasted about 4-5 hours and made me feel nauseas. Then it went away and I was fine again.

So I took a cheap test today and it was a BFN. I’m going to try and wait to retake next week. My period is supposed to arrive either tomorrow or the next day. So it’s all a waiting game now.

Does anyone else have weird symptoms? Or am I just going crazy?