A little advice?


I can't believe I'm writing this at 28 years old.

So I have 2 "friends" who have done alot for me more than I can ever afford to them for.

Anyway recently it feels like they're cutting me out, brushing me off. The messages have stopped, the likes have stopped, I messaged one of them during the week and it was one word replies.... Not a dicky bird about why she was pissed off. Just one word replies.

Then they start tagging each other in thing on FB saying stuff like spending time with "family" "best friend ever" almost like they want me to see it or they want a reaction from me... Still no dicky bird as to what ive done.

One of them had a baby 2 weeks ago and I went to the hospital to see them without telling the other friend who was working at the time, I wasn't aware I had to tell her my every move... That's literally the only thing I can think of that she can be pissed about. But that's just one of them? What about kem the one whose just had a baby I literally can't think of anything that she can be pissed about.

Kem was my birthing partner when I had my wee boy....and bought me clothes and loadsa stuff (I never asked them to btw) that I will forever be grateful for. More than I can ever afford to repay them for...

I just feel shit like they're deliberately trying to get a reaction from me but haven't actually said what I have supposed to have done... So I've played dumb, I haven't asked whats wrong with them I'm too old to be playing guessing games if they dont want to be my friends for whatever reason then that's fine. We are supposed to be going for lunch tomorrow and I'm not sure if I should message to confirm it's still on or if I should wait to see if they confirm the time and place etc....

What do you guys think? What's your opinions