Cheating Boyfriend, Do I take him back?

So yesterday morning, my boyfriend of only about two months confessed to cheating on me with his ex. Before our relationship truly started.(during the talking stage) he got head from her twice, and in the first week or two of our relationship they kissed a few times. Since then they have just been texting, I'm not sure what their conversations were like. She didn't know about me until Friday night.

Now he is begging for another chance, we had a few heart to heart conversations where we both shed some tears.

Do I give him another chance? Most of it happened in the beginning of our relationship, is giving him a chance worth the risk?

Our relationship was so perfect, and my family loved him. I feel like with time we could get back to how we once were, but I don't want to be foolish or hasty so I told him we should take a break. Should I get back with him when I feel ready? Or just leave him completely?