22 weeks 5 days

Tina • TTC. First pregnancy blighted ovum, second pregnancy was a chemical miscarriage, third pregnancy stillborn.

22 weeks and 5 days was how long I was able to carry our sweet baby boy until I found out he passed inter uterus. After several days of swelling and remembering I hadn’t felt the baby move in days, I went to the doctor. After two ultra sounds they told me there was no heart beat. I called my husband to come to the clinic and gave him the news that our baby had passed and it was a boy. I was admitted to the hospital and on May 1st delivered a beautiful sleeping boy. We had an autopsy done and our sweet boy had a blood clot in his umbilical cord. We were so hopeful for this pregnancy as two before ended in early miscarriages. My husband and I will move through our grief but our son will always be in our hearts and maybe one day God will allow us to have a healthy living baby.

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Posted at
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a friend lose a son at 25 weeks for the same reason. She went on to have another baby boy, but had to get blood thinner injections to prevent another blood clot. My prayers go out to you and your husband.


Posted at
I was 34 weeks 6 days when i found out that i lost my little girl only last week i was going to have her c-section june 20th instead i had my c-section may 17th she was already gone her movement had slowed to nothing the day of my dr app i was told i had no amniotic fluid and the worst part was there was no heart beat i was induced that day 24 hours later i still was only at 1 cm and was in danger of rupture so i had to have my 4th c-section in a nightmare that is now my life