Since everyone else is ranting about their other half here's mine!


He went out straight after work to meet friends he hasn't seen in years (that's fine), decided to drink so had to leave the car but was back to do his night feed (bit annoyed about that since he was drunk - I was asleep so didn't know this).

We went out for breakfast then food shopping and to get his car. He does put the food away but goes straight upstairs without saying anything to do whatever. Baby isn't herself today - so grumpy (maybe sensing mummy's annoyance). Went he does come down its to tell me he is going out for lunch with a friend who is on his way to pick him up. 3 1/2 hours later he returns from lunch. Baby is still grumpy so I tell him I'm going for a bath and will be down when I'm finished.

In the bath for 10 minutes when there's a knock at the door asking if I think the baby needs fed and what's for dinner
