Lupron for trigger shot

Karen • Pregnant after our 3rd transfer! After two failed transfers (1 fresh and 1 frozen), we did another round of egg retrieval to PGS the embryos and we did 2 ERAs. We found out we needed another day of progesterone before transferring!

Has anyone taken Lupron for your trigger shot and had success during the egg retrieval? This is my 2nd egg retrieval and in the first one, I took Ovidrel. I was able to retrieve 15 eggs, 8 fertilized, and 5 made it to blastocyst. This time, there are more follicles measuring greater than 10mm (26 on day 10) so I might need to use Lupron as my trigger shot. I read online that there is a possibility that “Those with an inadequate surge will not have any eggs obtained at the egg retrieval procedure, or will have a low number of eggs, or a high percentage of immature eggs”. This is quite scary!

For those who took Lupron, did you have a good retrieval rate? How many eggs were retrieval and reached blastocyst. Did you do PGS testing on those eggs? What were the results?

We decided to do this second egg retrieval cycle so that we have more to test for PGD, including our three frozen ones.

Any feedback would be appreciated!