A month long fight finally blew up today


About a month ago my SO got a text from his brother asking him for money telling him he hadn't been to work in 2 day because he didnt have gas. This brother has been telling everyone that he and his SO have over 2,000 dollars saved up for when their baby comes, plus had just had a full tank of gas and given 20 dollars two days prior by another family member. So I told my SO absolutely not and hit up the family member that gave him money two days ago to let them know he was now hitting up his brother for money and made the comment that he has to be lying and that he had bought pills in the past and voiced my concern with that.

About a week later my SOs brother texts him again, this time telling my SO that I'm a piece of shit and that I need to keep my mouth shut and out of his business and called me names and said that the family member had shown him the messages and that I need to stop spreading lies about him, also adding that the family member told him that I said that he wouldnt be a good dad and that his women should just leave him and a bunch of other stuff that i did not say. I told my SO to handle it, and all his does is apologize for MY behavior and tells him brother he'll handle it. Then my SO came back to me and asked me what i did and i showed him the messages that i sent to the family member and he saw that his brother was being fed lies but still refused to correct him. His brother has continued to sent nasty text about me to my SO and he hadnt corrected him so finally last weekend I texted him the screen shots of the convo, showing him that he had been fed lies, he tried to apologize but I didnt want it because this isnt the first time this has happened with my SOs family. So I told my SO to have his brother come over so THEY could talk it out and so my SO could correct him on disrespecting me the way he did.

Well he came over today and I stayed in the bedroom because I didnt want to be apart of the convo so I took a nap. When I woke up I asked my SO about their talk and he tells me they didnt talk about it! THAT HE DIDNT SEE A POINT BECAUSE I WASNT OUT THERE! After all the nasty things his brother said to me he still couldn't defend me after I had already basically done it myself! So of course we start arguing and yelling at each other, then I tried to leave because it wasnt going anywhere and he wouldnt let me out of the house! So I locked myself in our bedroom and he broke threw the door because I wouldnt let him in! All the while screaming at me, so I ran and locked myself in the bathroom and he just kept yelling at me trying to get me to open the door so I sat in their crying for an hour telling him if he came threw that door I was going to call the cops. So he finally left and we didnt talk for 6 hours and now he still thinks I'm over reacting about EVERYTHING. He texted me and told me he wasnt going to come back to the house until I asked him to so I told him "ok well I'll talk to you later then" and that was a few hours ago.

I just dont know how to handle this from here. We have 3 animals together that have all been raised since birth with both of us and we've been together for 5 years. I dont want to do anything rash but he really scared me today and doesnt see anything wrong with what he did.

What should I do?