I finally have time to share my birth story 😍


This was my second pregnancy, my first was pretty easy but this time it was completely opposite . A year before I found out I was pregnant , I was sentenced to “infertility” , I was finally coming around to the idea that I may never carry another child ever again then BAM I found out I was pregnant , although fully expecting a miscarriage my whole first trimester , I beat the odds , my baby beat the odds 🙌🏻 but with that came a very difficult pregnancy , I was miserably sick , I went into preterm labor 4 times & was hospitalized each time , doctors said I wouldn’t make it past 33 weeks , (my due date was June 4th 2019) .

On May 23rd , 2019 at 12:14am , at 38 & 2 days , MY WATER BROKE ! Again , we beat the odds , I was able to carry my miracle baby 5 more weeks than the doctors expected ! That night , I spent an hour bouncing/ rolling my hips on my birth ball in front of the TV , (I did this all the time to help with the pelvic pressure pains) around 12:10am I decided to take a break & stretch out across the couch for a few , as soon as I laid down I had a bad Braxton hicks contraction & when the contraction subsided I felt a *POP* like a rubber band in my stomach , then a big gush of fluid .. I was in shock ... I heard/read the statistics of how very few women experience their waters breaking , I jumped up & yelled “OMG MY WATER !” My four year old asked me “momma what does that mean?” And I said “your brother is coming!!” And she replied with “oh mommy I’ve waited ALL YEAR for this!” So it was about 12:45am when we finally left for the hospital , when we first got there , the nurse made me “empty my bladder” then tested my fluid , she then looked at me and said “nope just urine” (keep in mind , the fluid was pink) so I was like ma’am why is my urine pink then ? And she said ohh that’s normal sometimes ... SERIOUSLY ?! By this time my contractions started coming so intense and strong that I was screaming , they finally checked my cervix at 6am and I was dilated to a 4 .. they wanted me to get up and try walking around to see if it’d make me dilate any faster but I declined cause of the amount of pain I was feeling , she then mentioned possibly having to send me home due to “no progress” ... they decided to just continue to monitor me until my doctor came in around 8am , he came in and they checked my cervix and I was at a 5 so he told them to get my epidural started , by 8:30am they came in and checked my cervix again , the nurse looked up and said “well you’re a 9” ... shortly after that my doctor came in and it was time to push !! I only pushed for 30 mins or so before finally getting to lay eyes on my perfectly healthy miracle baby boy at 9:12am 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hendrix-James Brock 💙 5pounds 14ounces 18inches of pure perfection .