Ladies what do you think?

This happened a while ago but it’s something that’s always been in the back of mind. So my boyfriend is friends with this girl and before we moved her and my boyfriend hung out quite a bit. She would come over and help with painting and other things that needed to be done in order to sell his house. There was one night where I was going to spend the night at my dads house and she came over that was the first time I had met her. My boyfriend told me that she was spending the night that night and that she would be helping him with the house again but when I came back the next day nothing had been done. I’ve also found earrings, thongs, and socks around the house that I’m assuming belonged to her. As I mentioned earlier this happened before we moved but recently popped back up since he just informed me that she’ll be coming down to visit at the end of next month. Does it sound like something else was going on?