Is this bitchy of my sister

I’m 16 and my sisters 20, she always hits me and yells at me and calls me names, I blocked her multiple times on Instagram and Snapchat and text then she gets mad at me for it and goes in my phone then unblocks herself. She also tries to be the ‘helicopter sister’ (makes sure I don’t post anything bad) but when she was my age she always posted her drinking, smoking, twerking, driving illegally, etc. my mom just tells her to stop and ignores whatever she says about me. Recently I unfollowed my sister on insta and she got mad at me for it but when I posted on my story if I was pretty she said no Bc of my hair, she’ll also like my posts then tell mom on me for it just Bc kids at school start talking about me. Is my sister being a Bitch or is t my problem? She’s been like this for years, she also tried to make me cry then she’ll laugh at me and record me and send it to ppl

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