No interest in going out—am I the only one?


I don’t really like going out and drinking anymore or just going out at night in general. I would rather do stuff with my kids and go to bed at 9pm lol.

A lot of people are like “you should go out and have fun!” And “you need to go out and have drinks every once in a while. It’s not healthy to not have a social life!”

But I have so much fun with my kids. My older son is 13 and in school all day but my baby is 6 months old and I love being with him all day reading, playing games, going to baby story time etc.

Honestly am I weird or any other mamas love being with their babies all the time and have no interest in going out drinking at night?

If it’s “not normal” to be like this, what do you guys do to motivate yourselves to go out at night with your friends?