I don’t know anymore. I’m so unhappy.

So me and my fiancé have been on and off for 4 years now.

And I really thought this last time we got back together(1 year and 3 months ago) that things were gonna change but everything is 10x worse!

He is still GLUED to his xbox!

We constantly fight(about stupid stuff)

He never listens to my opinion on anything.

I’m tired of his stupid attitude and always wanting to put other people down and talk shit about people behind their backs. (I’m not like this. I love everyone I come across)

I’m so stressed out from him and his family(who we live with)

I have no job(currently looking)(waiting for the results of my interview I had)

We share a car together.

And I’m afraid of I leave him, I’ll be homeless because I have no where to go. My family doesn’t like him that much, they more so tolerate him. And my mom moved away and with extra room and I burned my bridge with my dad so many times that I couldn’t go there. Idk if I should just stick around and see what happens or stick around until I find a job so I can leave. I have been unhappy for a long time but I don’t no where to go. I have no friends. I feel more of a roommate than a fiancé to him. Like I love him and we are sometimes happy but we are ALWAYS struggling with bill money and I don’t want to keep struggling. I want to be on my own feet and do my own thing.

We don’t go on dates.

We go to work(he does tree work, I go with him and play on my phone) and come home and nothing else.

I can’t go ANYWHERE without him. We have to be up each other’s asses and it’s hella annoying.

I just don’t know what to do. I’ll take any advice.