Not in the Mood to have Sex While Pregnant

Treasure • Mother to Greyson 💙Aug 2 17 and Gabriel 10 26 19 💙

I'm 17 weeks pregnant with Baby #2. First boy will be 2 in August. Me and our son only stay with So (Babies father) on the weekends.

He's been getting really upset recently because I he wants to have sex and for me to sleep naked in bed with him. I've tried to explain that I really don't feel good most of the time and I'm not in the mood. I feel irritated, stressed out, and out of energy most of the time. I like sleeping in pajamas because I feel safer that way and if our son needs anything or to be rocked, I'm the one who gets up and takes care of everything. I don't want to have to get dressed first. This weekend he tried to get me to wear one of those towel dresses you use when you get out of the shower to bed and have sex and sleep naked. When I told him I wasn't in the mood and not feeling good he just kept trying to kiss and suck on my nipples- never has been a turn on for me. My breasts are sore and hurt. I felt trapped like I really don't want to be touched there.

He gets so mad and will argue with me and say he isn't going to beg and that he's tired of feeling rejected all the time and that he's always alone and we never have sex, I don't show affection and that he'll eventually go find it somewhere else.

Any advice on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated. I feel like we just argue about this every time we see each other now.