
Hi this isn’t about me but recently my best friend had an abortion not to long ago & she made the decision on what others had to say about how she should get rid of it, she wanted to keep it. We went to an ultrasound heard the heart beat and all. But she regrets to abortion and has been in a bad depression & tells me she misses her baby so much, ice of course tell her I’m here & other things. She drinks & smoke all the time now. What do I say, Ik it’s only so much I can say but any advice?

More info: I’ve done most of those things you all have been saying. I’ve taken her out on several dates & of course she has fun in the moment but I can still see that pain in her, I’ve told her I’m here so many times, but I also told her not to rush or ignore her grieving process because she told me she feels bad that she’s been so out of it & feels like she can’t be there for me or anyone else because of this. When she told me that I let her know that right now is all about her and her working on getting to a point where she can cope even through the pain, cause she says she needs to get over it. I guess it’s really a day by day thing, but what I didn’t say before was that the doctor said when she came in that she shouldn’t really of been able to convince because of other issue & that this may be the only time to have a baby but we’re 19 in college, the father wasn’t supportive & not a good person, she had to text his side girl to even talk to him about being pregnant (she forgave him for cheating & then when she found out she was pregnant & he wasn’t answering her calls she saw his location was by the girls house). Thank you all for your help in what I can do for her. I just hate seeing my best friend like this 😞