My June Baby is a May Baby c-section and tubal

Drea • Ms Sydney Grace's Mommy 05/20/19🌈👣❤️💜👣

So you would think that with a scheduled c-section there would be no snafus wrong. So after a night of anxiety and restlessness hubby and I leave out yo hirt the hospital the first snafi was getting the call that we needed to be in the hospital by 5 am not 6 the Friday before ok check so we get there and this Mom kind of runs ahead of us to be checked in ok so she is moanong on pain and tjus goes bacl to L&D no biggie I am for surgery anyway so we get there check in the nurse has me bathe again which I had done the night before as well as an hour before ok whatever do it again so we get hooked up to monitor banies heartbeat and my heart is racing because we did this last year and we fpund put my son has passed away.

Ok so my nurse is wanting to get into gear my surgery is scheduled for 9 am and they have us on standby only to tell us we have to wait because we got bumped for another Mother oh well what can we do it takes us until 10:20 to get anywhere near the OR. This was the first time I had an all woman team so the Doctor who administered the anesthesia was rough she actually used her fingernail in my back fir the epidural and it took longer to work then she's like which side do you feel it on when I shouldn't feel it at all WTF?? the spinal/epidural whatever they used finally kicked in then time to get baby man did I feel the pulling and tugging on my insides. Basically my surgery was going on and they were ignoring me not saying much doing their thing I felt the relief from baby girl being born and cried just to hear her cry and cried for my son who didn't get this it was very emotional. Finally I sent hubby over yo look at her because they weren't communicating anything and they cut the umbilical cord themselves going against my wishes to have hubby do it. We had agreed that once she was delivered that he would follow her wherever she went which he did then came the most painful part of the operation my tunal ligation by the time she was done it felt like someone was pounding my stomach like you would pound pizza dough.

Through it all I was thanking God that she was healthy and alive and breatjing she is so sweet kust to hold het after was a dream come through she is having issues with jaundice and blood sugar levels she isn't home yet but we are hopeful very soon she is 1 week old delivered at 38 weeks +1