Would you invite separated husband to ultrasound appointment?

My husband and I are separated due to him refusing to end contact with someone he had an emotional affair with. He has promised to fix things but I still don’t trust him, he put me through hell to where I had to move out for my own sanity and even thou he apologized I wanted to stay separated for a little while so he knows how serious I am. I am pregnant and when I told him he was very angry, it’s been a few weeks now and he is coming around and even getting more excited about the baby.. we’ve always wanted children, this year he started changing saying he wasn’t sure in arguments but we were being safe and it happened. We are working on our relationship slowly, I’m wondering thou if I should invite him to the ultrasound in about 2 wks. I don’t trust his word that he truly cut all contact and I guess I’m bitter and want to keep this special part of our lives to myself. Of course when the baby is born it’s different, but until then I don’t want him involved when he can’t prove himself. Am I wrong for feeling this way ?