FTM needing decision help...


Please no mom-shaming...

Early induction or planned c-section?

I’m 4’10” and my baby is measuring in the >99th percentile ; she’s growing the average .5lbs a week making her in the 10+lb range at 40 weeks

- no pregnancy complications or GD, just a big baby girl (her dad’s genes)

- Doctors have already told me that I’ll be either induced early to “try” labor ; or I have the choice to go straight to an elective c-section at 39 weeks

I just don’t want to be mom-shamed for opting for a c-section... or feel like I have to explain myself for making a huge baby that doesn’t fit out of my body naturally.

Anybody have to go through this decision?

I’m already hearing the, “you’re not a real mom if you don’t experience the birth of your child” or “you’re really doing your baby a disservice for not giving her the microbes your body will produce”...

fun fact: my siblings and I were all c-section babies and we’re all fine 🤷🏽‍♀️