Jealously of pregnant women

Hey so ive been wanting a baby for 2 years now! I’ve been begging my OH for a baby and he always says he’s too young or he’s not ready etc (he’s 27 im 24). Ive always wanted kids by the age of 25 which is one year away and i been extreamly broody for a child for 2 years.

Anyways! His sister just announced she is pregnant! I have loads of fertility problems which is currently getting sorted with a Doctor going hospital today! Anyways I do not know how i am going to cope going round his family home anymore! All they will talk about is babies and his sister being pregnant!

I had a miscarriage last July and he knows nothing about it because he made it very clear he’s not ready to be a dad so i suffered on my own. I love him dearly and I want to be with him as everything else is perfect between us. The only issue is he wants to travel the world and I want a family! I do not know what to do because i just block all my friends that have babies because I am truly heart broken and jealous!