Ex boyfriend cussing me out for breaking up with him?

I’ve been stuck in a verbally abusive relationship with him for 3 years. We both knew deep down inside it was unhealthy, toxic, and he personally knew that it was damaging my mental health. My family doesn’t approve of him because they think he will get physical with me. I showed my parents the verbal abuse over text messages that he sent me in March. I didn’t contact my ex for two weeks but then I was feeling lonely and secretly went back with him behind their backs. I was starting to see unhealthy bad habits from my ex recently. I told him I feel like we aren’t making progress because my mental health is being badly affected and he accused me of cheating, never loving him throughout the whole relationship, thinking of nothing but myself, playing games, etc the list goes on. Why does he always resort to negativity when I try to leave? It’s making me atm feel nauseous. I couldn’t leave months ago because he would threaten his life over me and he would try to blackmail me by telling my parents that I’ve snuck out to see him and have had sex with him. He told me he tried to redeem himself to my parents but trying to buy them gifts and apparently he lost a friendship due to me because his friend called me selfish for putting me first before our relationship at the time. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared if I block him he’ll come to the house or if I get the authorities involved my parents will know I’ve been going to his house. He keeps calling me and I want to answer just out of curiosity to hear what he has to say.