Should I move on?

So I've been dating this guy on and off for over a year now. I really care about him. I worry when I don't hear from him, I love how we communicate whenever we do "communicate " but lately things have began to stress me out. I'm really sensitive to change and I hate that I have this feeling that he doesn't think I will leave because I'm so comfortable and that he doesn't feel like he has to put forth as much effort to keep me. But I am emotionally and mentally drained right now. I don't want to end things or stop talking to him but I'm tired of telling him what I don't like. For example, I don't like to be ignored and I feel like when he does it he doesn't consider my feelings at all. I don't like liars I mean who does but he has lied before and I'm trying to get past it but I still feel like he's still doing it. I don't like inconsistency sex conversation etc etc. I love sex but it hasn't been consistent AT ALL. How should I address it? Do I stick around and give it one more go or turn around now before I end up more drained than I already am?