I’m pretty positive that my dog gave me poison ivy

So someone told me yesterday that dogs can’t get poison ivy. I have poison ivy right now and I haven’t gone anywhere but to work and my yard out playing with my dog. My yard is mowed down. I went outside yesterday and looked for the poison ivy and sure enough it’s vines up the back of my property. It’s on the neighbors side and it’s coming through the fence. The only way I can think of how I got it was by loving on my dog and then oil transferring from her fur to my skin. She gets up on my bed sometimes, it could have gotten to me that way too. So I gave my dog a bath and had my so remove the poison ivy vines off of the fence so it wasn’t poking through for our dog to get into it. Now maybe it can’t affect her like it does humans.. but again I think she carried the oils to me on her fur.

Does this sound freaking crazy because there is no other way. I have poison ivy on my torso and I don’t go out and rub myself all over the fence.. but I do cuddle my dog. All I know is that I am freaking miserable even after getting steroids and I’m trying to eliminate the possibility of being exposed to it even more.